Win skateboard lessons @ Charlton Manor Christmas fair

Charlton Manor Christmas fair

On Friday 8th of December Charlton Manor Primary School are having their Christmas fair, where 5 skateboard school tickets will be raffled for charity. We were approached by the school to help with their fundraising programme at the annual event.

If you win a ticket you can join us at any group lesson we are running in the new year. Ticket value is between £7 – £8 depending on which group lesson you choose to attend.

We had hoped to do the crazy skateboard challenge, where you must ride a skateboard with a mind of it’s own 5 metres without falling off to win a prize, but it’s a little too cold outside for it this time of year. Something for the Summer fete then!

You don’t have to go to the school to attend, so get along and enjoy some festive spirit. We’ll have a table set up, so if you have any questions about skate school, just come over and say hello.

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