Bournemouth Kings Park Skatepark

bournemouth skatepark street course

Kings Park Skatepark in Bournemouth was built in 2006 by Bendcrete skateparks.

Skatepark design and Layout

The skatepark has a bowl area, and a street orientated area. The key features of the park are:

  • Stairs. An eight set, with a round rail and hubba style ledge,
  • A bowl with a long 5ft section which opens out into the ‘street’ area, the bowled out section is at the other end with extension going to around 7ft
  • plenty of flat banks & transition which surround the ‘street’ area
  • A fun box
  • A low rail from where you can transfer into the banks

Learning features

The banks and fun box are great for learning to The Roll In, The Fakie and The Kickturn

The bowl has a long mini-ramp section which is good for learning to pump.


We don’t know about toilets and parking. We are finding out for you…

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